Blog #14 “TROOPER ” at all Bars Nashville North/Lil Big Horn/Jackhammers Nightclub


When I was a boy one of my favorite bands that I grew up with was Trooper. I never in my life thought over the years I would be friends with them. They were like family and over the years I have had a great relationship with them, and I do consider them friends. As friends Ra, Brian and I chat every once in a while. Trooper over the years have played every bar and many outdoor festivals. They played Nashville North at least 3 times Lil Big horn 4 or 5 times and Jackhammers a couple of times also. They played Fergus Truck show for the OCPFA, and Festival of Lights in Niagara Falls and other outdoor concerts we had.

Ra or Brian or other band members always invited me in their dressing rooms with open arms at any concert they did. I will say I impressed a few friends over the years partying with the boys. So many times they invited me on stage to help sing “Raise a little Hell”. One Funny story about Trooper is I had them at Lil Big Horn and they were playing for two nights, a Thursday and Friday. They found out that their Saturday night gig was cancelled and asked me if I wanted them to hang out and play as a present to us on Saturday. We said OK and that night they came on stage Ra said “Hi everyone We’re the House band” LOL . Anyway it ended up being an amazing night and we made CP24 news with the band playing 3 nights in a row.

Below are pictures of Trooper They really are a great bunch of great guys. Even the Manager with there roadies were great to hang out and talk to.   My boys became big fans of Trooper over the years as my boys were very familiar with their music. Trooper had some great hits over the years so below are Videos Pictures and CD’s. Please click on to a CD or Books and support Trooper

Me and my 3 Sons with  TROOPER. Best bunch of guys ever.


Click on any album to Purchase


  1. I’ve seen Trooper several times but not at these locations. Great rocking band.
    Nice to see your blogs on here, Jerry. Hope all is well!!!
    I’m still performing and doing weekly Facebook Live shows every Sunday afternoon. Can’t wait to get back in front of people again. I know we all miss live music shows!!!

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